Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lost Boys in Never Neverland

A group of English co-teachers and Taiwanese co-workers went camping a few weekends ago and boy, were we in for something new.

Some of the unexpected results:

1. The Taiwanese don't really utilize the park; everyone camps within a few feet of each other under small pavilions. Our group was loud, but the engagement party next to us, involving 20+ Taiwanese, also had their fair share of noise.

2. It's apparent that most Taiwanese aren't connoisseurs of the great outdoors, but bringing a suitcase for an overnight trip? come on.

3. Supposedly the camping fee included frozen meats delivered in a box. The box also came with the supplies needed for starting the fire, bags of charcoal, a grilling rack, and more.

4. Just in case you can't figure out the frozen goody box or handle sleeping on the groomed dirt, there are hotels and restaurants at the top of the campsite.

5. A bee keeper providing us fresh honey

6. Jurassic Park playground

7. Astroturf sledding

8. Zipline swings 

9. Suspension bridges

10. Tightrope walking

11. Well manicured flower gardens

12. Firefly parks

And that is why I felt like one of the Lost Boys in never Neverland. 


  1. Ha, that sounds so fun! I want to go camping in Taiwan!

  2. I just watched, "Hook!" Looks like they filmed that movie in Taiwan. Ha ha. Jk. I MISS YOU!
